

Designer bouquet #66122

The signature bouquet is the embodiment of passion and sensuality. It is a perfect combination of elegance and style. Timeless classics is represented by Red Piano garden rose, bright anemone, burgundy ranunculus and wine-colored calla, which never go out of style. This bouquet is shrouded in mystery with intriguing luxury. The sophisticated floral ensemble is made for true ladies.


Designer bouquet #77132

Gorgeous bouquet composed of delicate and exquisite flowers. Its harmonious combination of colors and tender aroma deliver an unforgettable pleasure. Rose and hydrangea, lilac and carnation, freesia and genista – in the designer bouquet collected the most beautiful, most fragrant flowers. Please your beloved woman with such a luxurious gift!


Designer bouquet #77222

The bouquet is a real king-size present. Only the most noble flowers form the basis of this composition - peonies, fragrant garden roses & delicate hydrangeas. Gracefully flowing orchid branches, airy coral ruscus & elegant anthurium add bright accents to the bouquet. Such design brings a special majesty to this composition. Pastel pearl-colored wrapping paper underlines the sophistication of the floral ensemble.


Bouquet #64449

This rich bouquet in orange and cream tones is dominated by the brightness of calla lilies and sugarbushes. The cream-colored rose and carnation contrast and compliment the prevailing colors, while the garden rose with yellow blossoms maintains a smooth transition into white. The delicate serruria florida, also known by the name of blushing bride, adds a layer of tenderness to this truly exotic bouquet, which is tinged green by the “tangle” and airiness of eucalyptus.


Designer bouquet #65447

This bouquet will make every congratulation special! An elegant pink and blue mix, the shades of which are combined in beautiful floral harmony. The designer bouquet ‘Prima’ includes a delicate rose and carnation, lush delphinium, graceful petals of clematis and astrantia. Several layers of fitting wrapping paper and a gorgeous composition for a dear person is ready.


Bouquet #67794

This light-toned bouquet, with a hydrangea as its centerpiece, evokes feelings of tenderness, while the green of hellebore and skimmia add a note of playfulness to the composition. The garden rose is coupled here with the carnation to create a soft cream and pink hue. Also worth noting is the presence of Eustoma flowers and hypericum berries, adding some body to the composition and making it pleasing to the eye.